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The coming sections contain important information, for both regular and new users of the Center for Scientific Computing.
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Queueing policies
Users at the Center for Scientific Computing can carry out their computations by sending jobs to a queueing system, which is controled by a resource manager software called Slurm.
Said software divides the currently available machines into different groups of resources, often called partitions (or queues). Existing partitions at the Center for Scientific Computing are divided between public partitions (which are themselves divided into partitions dedicated to users belonging to the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and the ones corresponding to the Spanish Supercomputing Network R.E.S., accesible to both the members of the universitary community of the UAM - CSIC excelence campus and the members of said Network), and private partitions, those established by means of agreements between particular research groups and the Center for Scientific Computing.
The partitions and their access policies are subject to changes; the current structure of the public partitions is displayed in the tables below.
Queue | cccmd | gpu |
Maximum time per job | 5 days | 5 days |
Queue | class_a | class_b | class_c |
Maximum time per job | 72 hours | 48 hours | 24 hours |
On the sidebar of this page there is a panel with a list of the queues refered to above (the queues class_b and class_c are linked to class_a), with information updated every minute of the jobs sent to each queue.
Remark: additionally, the total number of jobs carried out by the Center for Scientific Computing's machines is available next to "TOTAL", in the aforementioned panel. This includes both public (those shown above) and private queues.
Usage policies
The existing resources at the Center for Scientific Computation are available to professors, researchers, students, and visiting professors. Personal usage of these resources is completely forbidden. Users must comply with all the directives marked by the University on the access to the University's resources and its security. The Center for Scientific Computation has, as well, additional usage policies, aimed towards the stability of the systems and their fair use for all users. The CCC-UAM reserves the right to change these policies at any time.
Inappropriate usage
Any violation of the security policies of the University or the Center for Scientific Computation, or any behaviour deemed of a criminal nature or a legal threat to the University, will result in the immediate ending of the access privileges to the Center for Scientific Computing's resources without notice, as well as the communication of said breach to the corresponding authorities.